
Happy New Year? I’m always late with this but I hope you accepted my brief greeting in my previous post on the 31st January (I know at least it was still January right?).

I always find this time of year to be filled with inspirational quotes like “You can do it!”, “New Year, New Me!” and initiatives promising to help you start that illusive task that seems to always get pushed to the back as a result of one thing or another. Don’t get me wrong this is all great and very encouraging indeed, especially when it feels as though there is an entire community rooting for you, but what happens when you have all the best intentions to attack 2019 and start that business, learn that new skill etc but old habits and ways of thinking still hold you down.

Tired from the same job and circumstances from 2018 which seem to be holding onto your coat tails causing resistance in your pursuit of the new. And lest we forget our ex that keeps creeping in called fear that seems to enjoy shutting down our ideas and dreams before they even get a chance.

For those like me who may have gotten a late start at catching that new year feeling, I hope this post encourages you, that you are not odd or alone and to start by taking one step, maybe it’s editing your CV to then start applying for that new job or it could be setting aside some quiet time to finally write down a list of things you’d like to accomplish this year (side note, this list should not include things that will impress Sally or Jack at work it should be an honest reflection of things you care about or have an interest in like learning to knit maybe, who knows, take a minute to write your own list).

I’d suggest setting yourself 1-3 tasks a day to accomplish it could be big or small just get in the habit of setting out a plan and sticking to it. It’s the best feeling being able to cross something off your list.

But prior to all this planning and list writing I’d encourage you to seek God for his plan and wait for his response. There’s no point running with a plan of your own only to find that you’ve been going in circles.

Lord thank you for allowing me to see 2019. I’m grateful for your grace and mercy that has kept me throughout 2018. I’m a bit confused as to the direction I need to take in 2019, I pray that you will show me the way, where to go, what to do and how to do it. Show me in a way so I know it’s you. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. Amen

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”

Meister Eckhart

Much Love FFx

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